Building a Better Prepared Society for Future Success – PM at Polish Schools

 „Building a Better Prepared Society” is one of the 3 areas of focus of PMI Educational Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization that champions project management for educational and social good. This is about giving youth and communities a better chance of success through training programs for teachers, youth and local schools.
On Saturday, 1st of December Project Management Institute (PMI)® Gdansk Branch organized the second edition of project management training for educators. This workshops is a continuation of PM at schools program run by PMI Poland Chapter in cooperation with PMI Educational Foundation (PMIEF). A one day workshop took place in Gdynia in Thomson Reuters office and gathered 9 teachers from local schools
 After a short introduction to the program and benefits of implementing elements of project work to Polish schools two groups worked on the project called „The Earth Day”. Regardless the same goal of the project each team took a different approach. During a one day workshop a few documents such as a Project Charter, a WBS and a schedule were created.


The course was delivered by Marcin Gora, PMI® Gdansk Branch volunteer and myself. At the end of the course each participant received a Certificate and Project Management at Schools materials, including presentations for a 12 hour project management course, mentoring materials and templates and group exercises. These materials are to be used to deliver the project management courses in middle schools.
PMI Poland Chapter planning more workshops for educators in other regions of Poland, so more young people will have a chance to familiarize themselves with projects and project management practices. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the program please contact me on: I would like to thank Agata Witczak and Thomson Reuters for the possibility of using the office premises. Thanks a lot.

PMI, Project Management Institute are the registered trade marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


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