3 Ways of Engaging Project Sponsors – PROJECT ON TRACK 2
In 1994 the UK House of Commons identified 41 key issues and concerns that must be addressed before project initiation. These 41 issues may be grouped into 12 Key Areas as a checklist for senior manager review and action prior to starting a complex project. (Reference: UK House of Commons Public Account ” First Report, Series 1999 ” 2000, Improving the Delivery of Government IT Projects)
- Ensure analysing and understanding the implications of introducing new systems for business and customers.
- Consider carefully the scale and complexity of projects to assess whether they are achievable
- Delays in implementing projects place them at risk of being overtaken by technological change
- Make sure project specifications take into account the business needs of the organization and the requirements of users
- Senior managers have a crucial role to play in championing products, procedures, services, and systems
- The development of high-quality project management skills within the organization is essential
- Paying attention to the management of risks and have contingency plans is essential
- Relations between customer and suppliers have a crucial effect on the success of the project
- Agreements between customers and suppliers have been set out clearly
- Review the success of projects as soon as possible so that lessons can be fed back into consideration of later projects
- Sufficient time and resources spent on ensuring that staff know how to use delivered products, services, and systems. And proper consideration given to the possible effect the new products, services, or systems may have on productivity in the period following
implementation - Learning from past mistakes is crucial
different areas or „value disciplines” in which an enterprise can focus: Operating Excellence; Product Leadership; and Customer Intimacy) identified three categories of projects:
- New Product (NP)
- Customer Value (CV) products or services focusing on meeting customer needs
- Operational Value (OV) based products and services focusing on low cost, dependability, and no frills.
Based on this approach we can present our Business Portfolio as the table below. The cells could be populated in many ways but recommendation is to include at least the number, cost and expected benefits.
Business Portfolio |
Project management Portfolio |
Integrated Portfolio |
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