10th International PMI Poland Chapter Congress (1)

[:pl]10th International PMI Poland Chapter Congress held in Warsaw 30th November – 2nd December gathered almost 400 delegates. Within 3 thematic paths during a 2 day conference and one day of workshops more than 30 speakers shared their experience and views.  Let me reflect on some of them. In the 1st path, which covered different management models, including case studies of successful transformation, Anna Erdmańska in the presentation titled  „Hey! It won”t work anyway! The art of transition management through practical glasses gave us some tips on successful transformations. The second path  covered skills and competences of a today’s leader and among of  very interesting presentations on leadership we could experience an inspiring speech by Raji Sivaraman and Chris Wilson: Discipline, Chaos and Beauty: Considering Project Management in Music. Ian Whittingham presenting „The Four Windows: Turning Opportunity into Innovation in Megaprojects” was a speaker of  the third path on innovations and infrastructure complex projects.

Before I move to some details of mentioned presentations I would like to share some personal thoughts. In times of speed to market and agility TRUST become more and more important. People who know me also know that I’m stressing the important of trust in all my speeches and articles as trust is too often taken for granted, although it appears in all keynote speeches of today’s project management conferences – ex. 9th International PMI PC Congress. We are even struggling  in defining it, and our definitions differ. As stated in Stephen M. R. Coveys’s book „The Speed of Trust” „nothing is as fast as the speed of trust” (the review of this a must read book can be found here). Low trust slows decisions, communication, relationships. Acting with integrity, good intention, having capabilities and delivering results (4 cores of credibility) guarantees a success.

Ian mentioned a trustful partnership with subcontractors, forum for exchanging ideas, culture of collaboration as basics for innovation. Anna advised on simplifying project management tools in favour of clear communication, cutting down on gossip, listening  and an agile-ish approach as the key success factors of any  transformation. And what music has in common with project management”  When you play music you need to interact with other players. As Martin Price is  saying  „today”s complex projects require from all project players, including the executive management and clients, the highest level of collaboration, like playing in an orchestra and that means for many organisations a mind-set change.”

More in drawings below.


Final Thoughts from Ian:

1)You have to get out of the bathtub if you want your idea to be more than just an interesting thought

2)An idea is only innovative if it can be converted into an action that creates value

3)Accidents may happen but innovation does not happen by accident

4)You have to create opportunities for innovation to emerge in a project

5)To be innovative you must behave innovatively

6)Encourage, support and reward behaviours that create innovative ideas

7)Innovation springs from collaboration

8)Look for ways to promote collaborative behaviour  among stakeholders

9)Innovation must  be embedded in a project”s organizational structures and governance to succeed

10)Innovation creates the legacies that drive future mega/project performance


You will hear some more from this amazing event soon. And this would not happen without a group of volunteers, sponsors, partners and inspiring participants. Thanks a lot for making it happen.

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